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Темнее всего перед рассвСтом // ПОсле полосЫ неудач и неприЯтностей всегда происходят перемены к лУчшему.

Good-bye, Tony ; don't despair. Remember that it's always darkest before thе dawn, and that whatever others think, Constantina and I believe in you. We know that you are incapaЫe of telling anything but the truth ! ( Webster)

"That's а great thing about journalistic profession, you never know where you'll end up. You see, you're very much your own boss in the journalistic field. Ah, it just shows you, doesn't it?" "Shows you what ?" Paulie said. ''Тhat the old saying is true. Тhе darkest hour is just before tЬе dawn. У ou have to remember that. Норе, now that's what you need." (Moore)

This is а tеrriblе hour, but it is often tЬat darkest point which precedes thе rise of day. ( Ch. Вrontё)

I'm an optimist. I always have bееn. The older 1 get, the more I agree with Shakespeare and those poet Johnnies about it always being darkest before thе dawn and there's а silver lining and what you lose оп the swings you make up on the roundabouts. ( Wodehouse)